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Daily Forex Signals and Predictions for September 30, 2010

It is hard to predict, may be after from around 1.36, then it is more likely to go up to around 1.3650 or higher than 1.3680, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.3570.
(Current Price: 1.3624)

May be after from around 1.5750, then it is more likely to go up to around 1.5830 or may be 1.5870, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.5750.
(Current Price: 1.5784)

It is more likely to go up to around 0.9740, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 0.9670.
(current Price: 0.9679)

No Comment

It is more likely to go down to around 0.9730 or lower, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 0.98.
(Current Price: 0.9767)

Don’t be to late, and always check the posting time/update

Always remember that risk management is more important than the predictions !

FOREX NEWS. Beware from the today news: (GMT+7. Indonesia-Jakarta Time)

(See your time conversion at

Important News Schedule:
06:01 GBP
06:50 JPY
08:30 AUD
13:00 GBP
14:00 GBP
14:55 EUR
15:30 GBP
16:05 GBP
19:30 USD
20:45 USD
21:00 USD

(beware of the news revision or breaking news)

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Buy EU @ 1.3626
SL ; 1.3574
TP1 ; 1.3678
TP2 ; 1.3708
TP3 ; 1.3747

Ayo tersenyuuuuum .. !!



Salam profit.
Sip setuju EU trend naik walopon sdh overbought bulan ini.
Secara lihat trend harian dan weekly jg lg naik.
Dg Fibbo Expansion 100 Kemungkinan TP di 1.368x akan tersentuh.
Secara fundamental harga Gold sangat tinggi.
Untuk menconfirm EU naik jika opening sesi Eropa sudah break highest sesi Amrik td malam.

Adhem Ayem ae ker

EU target buy pada tf 1H berdasarkan stoc bawah level 20 baru buy. Sekarang TF 30M sudah bawah level 20, tunggu dulu buy selepas London open.. jangan terburu2. Sell dilihat bagus pd 1.3700. Semoga berjaya.

E/U sabar dulu..pagi ini mgkn koreksi dl..

Bagi yg mau open EU tunggu dulu, open Buy saat dia menyentuh 1.3583 Sukses Trading

terima kasih. sudah profit 20 pips. ambik sikit2 saja.

Dear Friends,

Holding Trade:-
I will add another BUY @ 1.5725, Stop 1.5590
1st Target @ 1.5940
2nd Target @ 1.5990

(SELL) Will Close near the Sell price

1st Target @ 85.95
2nd Target @ 87.00

1st Target @ 1.0370
2nd Target @ 1.0500

Target 0.7330

I will BUY around 131.70, Stop @ 129.00
Target 135.00

I Buy with stop & Reverse @ 80.30
Target @ 83.00

SELL closed @ 1.3585

I’m thinking on set a buy limit at 1.3550… what do u all master think? thanks to master Dzhur and all…

what will you do next for the eur/usd? thanks…

Dollar Collapses Under the Threat of Fed Stimulus Expansion

I already BUY @ 1.3575
Target @ 1.3640

Euro Falls on Irish Bank Bailout Cost, German Jobs Data Ahead.

BUY Closed @ 1.3579

Dollar Collapses Under the Threat of Fed Stimulus Expansion

I already BUY @ 1.3575
Target @ 1.3640

BUY Closed @ 1.0340

SELL Closed @ 0.7351

Stop Out @ 83.40

Oh…. No….
Euro Falls on Irish Bank Bailout Cost, German Jobs Data Ahead.

I will close BUY EURUSD near the BUY price with profit a few pips.

Bro kalau saya ngikutin gaya Trading dirimu,sebentar juga masuk ICU …heuheuheu(canda)

Maaf ya…..

jaga kondisi kesehatan dirimu bro,salam profit… heuheuheu

Aduh . . . never nanaon kalee mang beben,
Teman2 pasti juga mempelajari ‘gaya trading’ Gus Dzhur dari hari ke hari, dan tentu akan punya ‘gaya’ sendiri untuk mengantisipasi.
Bahwa banyak diantara jama’ah ini yang mengacu pada prediksi Gus Dzhur, itu harus diakui . . buanyak.

Dan untuk Gus Dzhur, hendaknya jangan menyurutkan semangatmu untuk berbagi.

(Jangan pula berprasangka buruk, ‘Gus’ adalah sebutan yang aaamat saaaangat terhormat)

Maaf, kalau kalimat saya kurang enak dicerna,
maklum, aki2 ga tahu diri.

Wa ha ha . . Tetap Semangat !!

Ralat, untuk kata ‘mengantisipasi’

Sepertinya lebih pas dan enak dirasa, kalau diganti
. . “memaknai/mengartikan” . . .
Sekali lagi saya minta maaf.

Gus Dzhur . . . Wilopyu . . .

Justru abah saya perhatian dengan beliau,pagi siang sore malem
prediksi,lama2 “ambruk”kondisi kesehatannya….heuheuheu

Thanks Abah,

Usah laa begitu, Kue bukannya 100% sempurna.
Biasa-biasa aja.

huehuehuehue.. hu uh bsa jd msuk UGD .. aya2 wae neh kang..

Wah.. Kang Beben ngebodorrrr… heuheuheu.. mungkin stok jantungnya cukup.

Masih sabar nunggu Neng GU, kayaknya dibatasin FE 61.8 dan FE 100 batas atas serta FR 61.8. Agak berat memang. Masih nunggu buat pasang jebakan di atas.

Mang Obot mah sudah “sikat”buy 1.5815 dari subuh….tapi belum auto TP berarti masih ada peluang keatas….katanya sih heuheuheu,santey we tos sepuh mah ,paling tadi ikutan “brikdut”di Aud/usd lumayan 15pips juga Lot”badag”….paling nanti tunggu 3zz nyala ,katanya sih bisa nyampe R2(teorina)…kembali lagi gimana”kebijakan”mang obot ajah

Iya kang.. saya beberapa hari ini belum ada OP, masih hold yg kemarin. Nunggu GU tembus FR 61.8 dulu.

Saya juga lagi ngawasin AU. AU kayak cewek bunting 9 bulan ya kang hihihihih…


BUY Closed @ 1.3579

when we can buy eu again master? thanks


I will wait until have a clear signal to enter the market again, but not today.

My focus now on GBP.

kay. i follow…..


OK from my view, if this pair failure to break and hold above 1.3625 does leave this looking slightly more weaker.
We can try SELL around 1.3620 with stop 1.3670
Target @ 1.3560

invalid trade.
Price above 1.3625


thanks master. saya akan order sell stop. moga profit.

Dah profit kan !!!

I already BUY @ 131.90

This pair pushing above the 9/17 spike high of 1.5728 led me into a long GBPUSD trade where I was targeting 1.5990. However, as I warned last week that comments from BoE officials could derail the rally if they hinted at additional QE. Therefore, I took profits following Adam Posen’s statements that he sees a clear argument for asset purchases. Improved US data has started to generate risk appetite and considering the pair’s correlation with risk, the case can be made for a test of 1.5990. However, the risk/ reward doesn’t justify a long position. Today’s sharp decline could be the beginning of a bearish trend and has me looking to get short but since I missed the move I will wait for a break below a short –term trend line near 1.5700.

Buy Closed @ 1.5780

I will close near the BUY entry

BUY Closed with profit

BUY Closed with profit

I already SELL @ 0.9661
Target 0.9050

I swift from BUY to SELL
I already SELL @ 131.50
Target 128.00

I will SELL around 1.5780-1.5820
Target 1.5500

mbah gain, ramalannya koq mleset mlulu? pake analisa teknikal dong, mbah, ….. jangan pake feeling dan kemenyan… malu kan, klo salah2 mlulu

no comment ahh…tapi Robot nya sih Teopebegete(top bgt)asal bisa ngejalaninnya,heuheuheu

pengennya si buy limit di 1.3550 tp 1.3600 sl 1.3500
tapi tar masi ada news, kira2 efektif ga ya? apa mending buy limitnya di 1.3530? kalo newsnya positif bisa ga kejemput dh… huah, susahnya cari uang… lol

back above 1.3580, rate holds off pullback lows of 1.3560, with demand between 1.3555/45 – resistance seen between 1.3600/10.

EURUSD Target @1.3333
GBPUSD Target @1.5555


belajar predik
EU buy limit 1.3550 tp 1.3600

ga kejemput bro, haha. tadi gw juga buy limit disana… coba tadi langsung buy aja, uda dapet tuh 50 pips…

hahahaha iya bro tak kejemput
maklum masih belajar, menerapkan ilmu suhu babypips

santai aja, harus sabar mencari profit

coba kita tadi langsung buy, 1oo pips juga dapet, haha… saya juga masi nubie ni, hehe… rajin baca2 komen buat nyari inspirasi dari para master, hahaha…


hayo0oo yg mau bhas EU TF daily monggo….kl sy se ud kyk jenuh slhkn yg mo nyanggah…

Kang Beben,
Mohon bimbingan utk pake cara Robot pls? Bisa email ke saya gk atau tulis dsini yg details settingnya? Mau pake robot aja cape pake manual euy. Hatur nuhun kang.

heuheuheu(di modolrator bro)

EU GU berulah lagi, trend up masih kuat. Sing podo ngati ati

nungguin sell di 5933.Jemput ya say….

Ikutan saya juga (mang obot)maksudnya…heuheuheu

Wah.. Kang Beben curang.. Morex pake Tuyul.. hihihih…

aya aya wae…,bae ah yg penting mah poropit ajah,kalau poropot mah kentut(basa sunda)….heuheuheu

…ngajak happy2..(lirik keong racun),ga kaci barusan Mang obot dah TP lagi dari R2 sell 1.5917(maksa),sekarang “tempur”beneran neh Newz hi impact…..Mang Obot tersayang…heuheuheu

Gada yg posting …pada serieus rupanya !!!!,Mang Obot sudah OP Sell 1.5795(10pip dbwh pispot)malah naik GU nya,gimana dia aja,saya mau istirohat dulu,salam poropit buat semua….heuheuheu

Alhamdulillah hari ini Mang Obot 3x op:
1.dari pivot ke R2
2.dari R2 ke pivot
3dari pivot ke S1
Cukup sekian dulu…mau diterusin Mang Obot nya kecapean malah nanti jadi ngaco heuheuheu,met istirohat bro semua

Wah gahar euy mamang obot punya kang beben, yang saya mah cuman disuruh maen 2 ronde ajah..Alhamdulillah lancar jaya

Dr R1 ke R2, sama dr R2 ke pivot

Hehe..nuhun kang beben, nuhun GS!!

Abis jalan2 trus buka chart, ternyata jebakan diatas FE 100 di GU (1.5880) dan EU (1.3610) sudah kemakan.

Lumayan EU buat Intraday.

GU prediction GS semalam tepat. 1.5770 TP 1.5900 cuma menunggunya lama, baru tadi kena tp, kerna itu kita semua harus bersabar… sabar menunggu entry dan TP. sekarang gue masih nungguin GJ kena 135.00, sudah buy 131.80 beberapa lot. ayooo dong up lagi GJ

Close near the BUY entry & SELL
Target 128.00

huah, akhirnya profit juga 50 pips setelah beberapa hari melewatkan kesempatan emas… tadi buy limit pertama ga kejemput, yang kedua buy limitnya kejemput dan hoki, pas banget… buy limit tadi di 1.3630 sl 1.3580 dan tp di 1.3680
. pas kena saya liat highest nya di 1.3681, huah hoki banget. lewat 2 pips aja tp nya delay dulu… thanks
para master. bang Dzhur dll… happy green pips

nunggun news jam 21, dimana ya analisa om joe, ayas tggu

ikutan arus balik di 5677.

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